Govt does't have any other work rather that stoping all these kind of things. In my opinon kissing is not at all wrong. If Govt wants to really do some good things, first, let them stop the corruption in this country and in Bangalore, let them improve the infrastructure.
how this stupid act can be described, at 1 end we r groing and developing want to compete with the best and still we r stuck we this kind of narrow minded behaviour,
I think its absolutely stupid of the law-makers to enforce such a thing that invades the privacy of people.
I simply DO NOT understand one thing...Why is the police not doing the job it has been trained to do..catch criminals n the corruption-doers instead of prying into the lives of innocent people, who are just out of their homes n having some private moments of their life to themselves.
My simple question is : Will a policeman not do such a thing as kissing his girlfriend if he gets some time in private with her?
this is basically silly.. its not like people are having sex on the roads.. a little bit of affection should be tolerated.. and how would you identify couples? one may be out with one's sister.. can't i hug her in public? and illegal use of public places also includes smoking,which is much more 'dangerous' to one's health won't that be stopped?
delhi govt. is really doin something now but r they going the right way??u will create more secret places for these young lads to do all their stuff and tats all....
While i do not support lip-kissing in public, is the fine the best way to change the way? As it is, in 'modern' India, one cannot kiss in the house. In many rented places, you cannot even take a woman in, be she your sister, friend, colleague, senior or whatever. What fine will you impose on this sick mentality of landlords? Besides, how will you decide if a well-hidden place in a park can be considered 'public'?
What if the policeman catching the couple is corrupt or overzealous? What if he asks to be kissed to pardon the fine? What if he asks for 100 / 200?
What if the couple cannot afford to give 500? will the lady be arrested and produced in court for kissing? Worse, should she be locked overnight in the police station?
One thing that is important is that children do not understand the meaning of sexual love. SO, children watching couples kiss may embarass their parents (worse, imitate the couple) by asking questions which will be difficult for their parents to answer. That is why, some things like sex and lip-kisses should be limited to the privacy of walls.