India has its own cultural value and identities when compare to West. Since, individual can't able to protect that value, police taken that responsibility. Dont encourage these sorts of activities. But at the same time its individuals who kiss each other we cant comment on that, but doing that in public place makes everyone to comment on it. Also it simulate others sex feeling when they saw that. Do we have this sort of thing in 1990s?.
Don't sell your flirt business by encouraging this Rediff.Make money is some other way. Lot of options available to make business.
The fine is only in public places, which makes sense in a country like India. I mean vast majority of its citizen are not used to and open to a culture/style which is traditionally western.
Why a normal layman of this country should be subject to such public dislay of an intimate act which by very nature should be done in private space.
Yes there are some people who gets a kick with such exhibitionist behaviour, but why the vast majority of other layman citizens should be subjected to such displays.
I must say I completey agree with the authors point of view that the moral police have gone a step too far this time. This law is just a blatant manifestation of the hypocrisy that surrounds our society. we are truly a free country and any restriction should be placed keeping in mind the public morals. But this aspect has to be looked into with a pragmatic approach.
It is absolutely justified to have laws that impose fines and punishments for indecent exposure, behavior and offending the sentiments of people. But a kiss is a harmless expression of feelings by 2 individuals who feel strongly about each other. The Delhi authorities have proclaimed themselves to be the preservers of a hollow cause by deciding to fine couples who kiss in public. I am sure they have more pressing matters to attend to rather than scavenge for harmless couples getting slightly intimate. The only purpose such a law would serve is provide scouting cops another excuse to squeeze money out of civilians. Lastly for those whose history is a tad hazy; the famous French kiss originated not in France but in the very heartland of India from where it was imbibed by the Romans and spread from thereon. cheers.
Delhi police action is not moral policing. If adults start behaving like naughty children, then parents do act and the police are doing this. Progress does not mean giving up culture or morality. Civilization means to behave and act like mature people. Showing emotions in public or exposing our body is not something that is expected of mature people and doing that means aping the western behaviour. When our people, instead of understanding what is public morality start behaving like westerners, it becomes necessary for the authorities to step in to stem the rot.
Being in a country like India,preserve atleast something which sets India apart from other countries.Not to say that discard foreign values but preserve certain good values which have been in India since ages.Afterall,what are we trying to prove by kissing in public.......that we are very broad minded!!!!!NAH.Be proud in calling yourself an Indian and following good moral values which are trully INDIAN.
You people stand by the politicians in isguise called the moral police? BIG JOKE they are.. they, who use culture's name to gain political mileage... I have a question- we can piss in public, every corner of the road, why not kiss? which is more obscene? this is going to affect even our tourism. What is this so calle morality? brothers, morality is not our culture.. it has been derived during the british era, and to gain power, the politicians have convinced you that it is our culture. Why ont you see the full picture- we are not stopping you from showing love. It oes not affect you in anyway, couples kissing. Please see sense, an stand united against the politicians.
Just one more reason to have the police to legally bother couples. considering how they have behaved in the past i cant see any reason why they are getting this opportunity to bother more and more people. we have all seen in the past they dont spare married couples then imagine now what they will do to couples when they are on one of their "moral missions"???? any answers????
Its a right step in the right direction. But I fear the nominal fine is not a detriment to keep the love-birds from locking their lips in public. The fine is not harsh, but instead of moral policing the public could have taken the first step and avoid such instances.
We Indians are fools. We have our own rules about what we like and what we don't like and want others to agree to it. When Khushabu made remarks unnecessary hue & cry was made. Police had to arrest her under public pressure. Courts acted under public pressure. Is it public who decides what they want & what they don't want ? Why not just ignore them ? Is it that public doesn't want to kiss in public and therefore want others to obey ? This is rediculous !