What type of morals and ethics are we talking about when we say kissing in public is against morality. Corruption, Bribe is not against the morality of this country. Politicians destroying the sanity of this country is not against our principles. Poor Common people being toyed by the big guns and destroyed every second is not against our morals... But yes keeping quiet and letting it happen what always has is in our morals... Expressing love in public hampers our morality and our so called ethics. Why ? What kind of morals do we have...Think of issues which effect us, which effect our growth... these are not the issues are they ?
moral policing??Have the criminals all be put behind bars, are the streets safe for women now???Arnt there other things the police need to be at??This is the 21st century, no other country is as backward and ashamed of their sensuality than are indians!It is a way to make us think more along the lines of being afraid and scared than focussing on careers and our future and greater ideas than dogding the police. It is time we youngsters understood our right, we were not meant to live in fear,we have our rights we must recognise them and not let them be taken from us, its a free country and we should be asked beofre such decisions are made!!Wake up india, rang de bansanti showed the power of youth and fearlessness, we must live it!Else we will forever live in fear and helplessness to their rules they think is right!
You can't police a billion people! Ethics and Morals are to the people, you can push them to some extent to stop doing things in public, kissing is okay, it's not objected in any western world either.
as parents, If you keep pushing your kids to stop doing certain things, they will find ways to do the same, no matter what. Too much of policing will lead to other subtle ways to do the same things. It's a free world, people can enjoy their rights and keep there ethics and morals to the mark, unless they don't care about the kids who will learn from observing.
Things are changing, and India is adapting most of the things from western world, and so is this.
Affections are somethin that hav their real beauty when displayed in private.Its a differant charm and its good work on part of moral police.Things should be done as they are meant to be..
Kissing is a Western countries lifestyle and indian culture never allows these vulgar activities.
We should not simply ape what westerners. And there should moral policing in India because when complete freedom is given to people they will definitely misuse their freedom.
Moral Poliece is the same people who will stare at girls in a bus.These are people who will contiully look at couples beacuse they don't have some one to love to and talk to.first of all these rape incidents and girl staring shud be banned in a city like delhi. Delhi-rape capital of the country