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Yes It is right, and kiss in public Places should be avoided
by Mohammed Mustafa on Apr 20, 2006 06:53 PM  Permalink 

Yes, I strongly support this, as kissing in public will make others unconfortable.

Mohammed Mustafa

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kiss ???
by NITIN AGRAWAL on Apr 20, 2006 06:52 PM  Permalink 

Nooooooo kissss in public places....and 500 RS fine is nothing... people kissing in public places must be insulted in front of the whole society. Thats the right punishment.

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kiss or not kiss
by suryakant on Apr 20, 2006 06:49 PM  Permalink 

i think is not bad to kiss but kiss in a private area not in open space like park,busstop etc..

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What the heck!!!
by Noel on Apr 20, 2006 06:48 PM  Permalink 

Dont police have any better work to do?.Sounds like the country would go nowhere from here.There are plenty other issues concerning the nation that this petty issues and 'they' say we are free to express anything.Isnt a kiss an expression too?. Censors,censors and censors in each and everything you do.People in Indian would hardly make any decisions on their own cos the government surely knows what is good for each individual...hahaha...wish governering authorities become more mature.

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kiss or no kiss
by p v raj shekhar on Apr 20, 2006 06:45 PM  Permalink 

with the increase in real estate prices and small homes it is difficult to remain intimate in house before your elders. hence, it is necessary to allow the things that we do in private, to do in public. Any way it is a better scene than SPITTING & PISSING in public.

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to kiss or no
by vijay on Apr 20, 2006 06:45 PM  Permalink 

kissing should be BANNED in public place

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Kissing!!!! :((
by Harshal on Apr 20, 2006 06:43 PM  Permalink 

I think they should stop couples roaming in the garden as well!!! if they are stopping to kiss in public how is india a democratic country where people dont have freedom.

I think this is not acceptable now the police have another reason to abuse college boys & gurls

I think after few years college students are going to end up wearing school uniform and a different class for boys and girls.

I am in London now and i see over here how much freedom college students have, free travel for school students, No entry in pubs or bars if under age.

I think rather than making rules on Kissing they should stop kids smoking cigarettes by increasing taxes on cigg packets and stopping them boozing.



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