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it's Responsibility
by Vineet on Apr 20, 2006 09:05 PM  Permalink 

I feel that moral policing is some what necessary in India as the acts towards which such policing is done are some times unacceptable in a larger view of the society.

Recently the fine for kisses campaign of the police is a nice idea as some couple forget that they are in a place which is a community property where with them Children of impressionalble age are playing, senior citizens are enjoying the beauty. some people have come to relieve stress.

Doing such acts in public may not be disgraceful to the couple but it causes great humility to passers-by.


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A kiss amidst kisses....
by kc on Apr 20, 2006 09:02 PM  Permalink 

I would rather pay Rs. 1000 and kiss my partner twice!


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kiss or not to kiss
by harry on Apr 20, 2006 08:59 PM  Permalink 

Ironically its the height of opression on the civilized world. It should have been much better to introduce a polling system before inducting such bans.

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This is Bull $#%%
by Milind Joshi on Apr 20, 2006 08:58 PM  Permalink 

Does the moral police look at the media too or not. Are there not other too many important things for the Authoroties to take care of. This is only a way to harass the public. The Authorities are fooling around not taking care of more important issues.

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Down with the moral police!!
by Vikramaditya Maity on Apr 20, 2006 08:57 PM  Permalink 

I live under the free sky, in a democracy. I am above 18 years old, educated and entitled to freedom of expression. What right does anyone have to stop me from showing my affection, my love to the person I love? The police obviously has nothing else to do, incapable as they are of curbing crime. Morality is policed by conscience, not by law; by my mind, not by a body of officials.

What is it going to be next - ban on sex in the bedroom?

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by bunty on Apr 20, 2006 08:48 PM  Permalink 

i think its the correct step by govt for saving our culture. The last decade came with, globalization policies, lots of foreign companies, satalite tv and culture from outside...which is of course seems tempting, to our youth. Thus cause in rupturing our own culture.

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Good Rule for Policemen
by Mk on Apr 20, 2006 08:46 PM  Permalink 

I sure believe that such a law is right in place.But having said this,such a law will be another reason for the policemen to stuff their pockets with an extra buck whenever they fall short.As it is this is a common sight at most of the traffic signals in Delhi and elsewhere.

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Kiss or NO Kiss
by Sid on Apr 20, 2006 08:43 PM  Permalink 

I find this whole thing so stupid.....just wonder in which century these guys(so called "moral police") are living!! Come out of your shell my friends....there are bigger problems in our country to take care of....

If we are so afraid of western culture influencing us..as some have suggested....first of all stop broacasting english movies and stop kissing scenes in hindi movies too!!! Can they do that?? No, i dont think so......So why all these fuss!!

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Kissing in public place
by P. RAVI KRISHNAN on Apr 20, 2006 08:43 PM  Permalink 

I am totally opposed to this new rule. Every citizen in our democratic country is free to do in his/own way.

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