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To Kiss or not to kiss
by Raj Shetty on Apr 20, 2006 11:12 PM  Permalink 

Well done!

There are many other issues which the Officials has to look into. It is the individuals freedom of expression.. Please dont intervene in that, let them be themselves. I think people are more interested in others. They will not see what they are supposed to but intervene in other's matter.. Very Bad.. Well done India!!!

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Are we going back in time??
by Anuradha on Apr 20, 2006 11:09 PM  Permalink 

Instead of broadening our perspective and inculcating tolerance for all and respecting the freedom of people, our politicians are busy in curbing freedom in the name of morality.. where is the morality in the case of corruption?? people are free to express their love the way they want to... This is utter crap... Instead of appreciating God's miracle called love, our moral police is busy curbing it... Go hide all the temples of Khajuraho then.... But no... we boast of them... This is nothing but hypocrisy exemplified...

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Our culture -- my ass!!
by pradeep on Apr 20, 2006 11:07 PM  Permalink 

It's ridiculous to find people raving about our great culture and all that. Culture is what people do, and not what you're forefather's did thousands of years back. If that were our culture, then probably we should still be running around in dhotis, and living in mud houses. Did we not change our lifestyle, food and other habits with time? So, do morals, they change. If people today feel it's not a problem to kiss in public, then our rich, old culture has got nothing to prevent us from doing it. I, for one, believe if two people want to kiss each other, it's nobody else's business. Atleast it's better than pinching girl's butts in public buses, which seems to be the current culture.

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it should not be banned
by atul kumar verma on Apr 20, 2006 11:02 PM  Permalink 

showing your emotion as kissing in the public places promotes the people to love and care for someone not like our politition who lies infront of public and the bhais who does the shhotout in public then why so hulla on moral policing

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Very poor show from Govt.
by Chandan Sahoo on Apr 20, 2006 10:47 PM  Permalink 

I don't understand the rational behind it to take this kind of initiative at the national level. Yes, I can understand that Govt. should take necesaary actions to protect our identity and culture. But according to me, this a very poor step in order to protect our culture considering the release of some uncensured film like Murder, or relaese of the adverstisement which helps revealing the innerest part of a woman, etc. This seems to me a perfect example of double standards. To me, kissing in a public place to your Boy Friend / Girl Friend or Husband / Wife is less offensive than the things I mentioned earlier.

And kissing is an exercise, which can be seen as sexual exercise as well as the way to expression your affection or closeness to your near and dear ones. I think, if it's a public place, the people won't involve themselves in a kiss which can be seen by others as nothing but sexual exercise. It's just the question of a good education!!! But by this law, we should not abstain people from expressing the lovely feelings to their near and dear ones. I really don't vote for this idea.

Govt. should concentrate on some other major issues to protect our heritage.


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To kiss or not to kiss
by Kanwarjeet on Apr 20, 2006 10:39 PM  Permalink 

It good idea to stop it but what about garbage that people throw at public places. Why government does'nt ban people from throwing garbage everywhere . People urinate everwhere making public places dirty. Be mature and think beyond rather than concentrating on useless things.

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my say
by biju on Apr 20, 2006 10:34 PM  Permalink 

I think this is a ridiculous move by the government..the same politicians who preach about the Indian culture visit dance bars and call girls..they have no integrity..on another note couples have a say in their privacy..I think Indians should get more broad minded...

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u must be kidding me!
by abhimanyoo on Apr 20, 2006 10:30 PM  Permalink 

well, a fine of rs 500/- if you kiss your beloved?

swift(guillevers travels) in his satirical genius of a novel put forward the idea that, as we are punished for our wrong deeds, likewise we are to be awarded for our good actions.

therefore i suggest instead of a fine, there should be a reward or something. love is the only way we can counter all the violence present in this world. lets give it a chance to blossom.

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moral police
by kuttifunda on Apr 20, 2006 10:25 PM  Permalink 

It is about time the govt took it up. Its like porn going all around. We are INDIANS have some culture. You copy west and we will be like them. Tottaly shattered.

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