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by SANIL ANTONY on Apr 21, 2006 04:04 AM  Permalink 


Dear Sir,

I feel the moral police would do better to stop the number of rapes and atrocities against women which will do a world of good to the Indian society than go around finding new new ways of filling their pockets. This will not only lead to more abuse of law, but also the cash hungry Delhi Police to harass innocent people in the name of moral policing.

Why cannot the government get going with its act of providing "Roti, kapda, aur makan, (food, clothing and shelter)" first and foremost b4 going into such trivial matters.


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I agree with you!
by beautiful_mind on Apr 21, 2006 03:58 AM  Permalink 

Well said, I agree with you.

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To Kiss or not to kiss
by R. R.Pandey on Apr 21, 2006 03:51 AM  Permalink 

I Think there is several other good things which we should learn from west. Kissing and things like that must be discouraged at public places.

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ridiculous rules
by MP on Apr 21, 2006 03:00 AM  Permalink 

Its ridiculous to say the least- to fine people if they kiss in poblic. DOnt the police have any work todo-- liek cathc criminal. This is a ploy to distract the people and actually it shows that the officials think the public is dumb. Indian culture is all well and good. Why arent the police and government officials cracking down on rape, dowry deaths and other such atrocities-- but noooooooo they want to waste time on trivial issues. Porn magazines are sold on every street corner-- where is the crack down and fines on that????? Come on get real and smell the coffee. Realize whats important and what needs attention.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by Manju on Apr 21, 2006 02:51 AM  Permalink 

All these issues are created by govt to divert the minds of common ppl. So that any high profile issues that are surfaced will be forgotten.

Just imagine what happen to Jessica's case victim ? What happen to Office of profit (Sonia, Jaya)?

All these issues needs some answers, but there are no answers...so better divert the public and play around. Cool this how the politicians play thier card and all educated and uneducated ppl fall for it.

In addition media group instead asking such rubbish things to public must atleast understand their role. why not media chip in and question the above and make ppl aware abt the above situatuion...

Again needless to say in our country media is as corrupted as politicians, Now it is time for younger generations to take over govt.

Make India a better place in world to live for future generations.

Thanks! Manju

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Kiss or No Kiss?
by Narendra on Apr 21, 2006 02:47 AM  Permalink 

I am against imposing any fine for public kissers.

We have so many things vulgar than mere public kissing. Like the shots now a days movies are showng....the posters of porn movies on the walls...

public pissing on the walls in open...

why not stop these things first !!! dont they reflect badly on our culture ?? where does the moral policing of all those opposing people go in this case ?

Don't falsely carry the flag of culture to oppose kissing. Not one of us is completely culture abiding. Our culture didnt have killing of baby girls...but it still happens.

so all teh people talking about culture...just chill out

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A kiss...
by bhanuparashar on Apr 21, 2006 02:30 AM  Permalink 

India has gone to dogs..we as a nation are not politically mature yet. Lip locking has never been an issue in ancient era, we still need to find out what do these Politicians and Idiotic babu's, framing absurd laws, have defined kiss as. Do they consider a kiss to a baby obscene..or a kiss by a bro to his sis obscene...if not then by the same definition..kiss being an extension of one's expression of love for other...normal..and it aint worth just 500 rs fine...!!

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Tis is going toooo faar
by Alok on Apr 21, 2006 02:06 AM  Permalink 

Not promoting promiscuousness, but this moral policing is going a bit tooooo far !!!

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To kiss or not to kiss
by vaibhav on Apr 21, 2006 01:52 AM  Permalink 

Personally I think this moral policing is going too far. Kissing is a one of the ways to show affection towards the other person. As long as the couple is above the legal age of marriage they should be left alone. Goverment should teach morality to the citizens. Anyway we live in a hypocrite society. We are have always tried to suppress primitive feelings under the name of "Culture".....at least now we should accept the fact and move on...there are much much important issues where we need govt to put their efforts.....


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Another rule to break
by Victoria on Apr 21, 2006 01:42 AM  Permalink 

This is another rule made by govt so that police can make money by making false charges. This will not stop anything!!. Its individuals choice to kiss or not to kiss!!

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