I thought we were living in a free country but unfortunately we have people thinking like idiots. Culture is a way of living and doesnt have to forced on to everyone. if one feels affectionate and wants to express let them if you dont like dont see it. One has problem against kissing but is ok with the fact that a man /woman sitting against the railway tracks and pissing and shitting showing the butts and private parts. We need to change with the time and focus on the real issues. Probably people who dont get to kiss and are bloody starved and desparate keep fighting for it.
I have so much more to write but just reying to put a point across. Standup for things that are wrong and harmful not for something which is natural and shows a sense for caring and affection.
Very correct decision. Western countries go well beyond lip locking in public places. So is it that we also should follow those stupids and imitate their actions ? This is very fair to axe this in the very initial stage itself. Government has done the right thing. But its interesting to see how this is going to be implemented. Coz police and patrolers may shut their mouth for mere 100 Rs and allow the love birds to do whatever they want..........
I live in overseas i see so many people kissing in public(westners)...even though the people 100% of westerners dont kiss in public..so as per indian culture it's not good as our culture is an ancient ....those are sweet things which lovers can express in private...if it's a public thing we wont feel as it is a precious one....learn from the westners a good ones like punctuality etc...not a petty thing like kissing in public etc..
Kissing in public place is like Xposing U R Pvt Life to public to entertain them free of cost this is India We R respected allover the world Bcoz of our culture if we dont maintain we loose respect from that point of view also in the world.
we being indians our cluture is to respect our elders & it should be maintained.in public places we have pepole of all age & i feel our act shouldnt make them shameful.preserve & respect our culture.dont promot american culture
Hugging & Kissing in Public places is not wrong. We are neither orthodox nor living in a orthodox country. Yes, of course, hugger and kisser should keep in mind the places where hugging & kissing is not allowed which creates problems for others. As per me, hugging & kissing the loved ones in the particular places should not be treated as wrong gestures.
Most of the people of Delhi are not aware of fine of Rs.50/- for illegal use of public place. I haven't seen any policeman catching and penalising them.
Making a rule in India is very easy but it is very difficult to implement.However, the fine of Rs.500/- is very high and the authorities may misuse this rule to extract the money from the lovebirds.
There are so many problems in Delhi, which sould be taken care by police instead of implementing such type of rules.