I dont see anything special kissing in public.. Even a married couple cant be intimate at home. They come to an extent that they forget and kiss in public. Either the couple should have privacy at home (if they are lovers, its not possible) else at public (which the police harasses). Where else is a place to relax and enjoy.. and make love?
I think all LOVERS should oppose on this ban.
This puts down the image of police and i personally feel that police are an HARRASING AGENTS for public.
Is kissing provoking your adrenaline? If so, what are the films making? Put a ban on films which shows kissing instead of putting a ADULT ONLY Certificate. That would be better..
The only thing i reckon that we proud to be an indian is our culture, so we should stuck with that. EXPOSING and kissing in public places is not fair, and they are so desperate to do they should be doing that only at home. India is world famous for its culture, In my opinion no body should be allowed to do that and ruin our popularity.
I am totally against the bann, these creeps are still living in the 18th century and still want to treat young people as slaves, everybody has the right to express themselves, this is just because of these limited mentality of people who have become the dictators of the society and trying to implement what they think is right.
Any how kissing in public is not a good culture and tempting to others too, who are busy with their own work. But the bad thing is that, it is another good reason for police men to earn money by corruption. I cannot say the police brake the law but public won\\\'t pay full fine instead they pay less which is without receipt which will go to police men\'s pocket.
I just do not understand are counting backwaard or forward. I believe we are going back to the 15th century from the 21st.Some day the law might even as girls to cover their and walk in public.
This is a total crap idea of charging fine for kissing in the public.
I believe that people of India are decent and awar enough to hold a dignity of a Place. If we start encroaching a person's personal life, that could lead to a serious disater.
I strongly believe that all such ideas should be properly communicated to all so that it could be a success and not forced upon everyone.
Moral Police are just a bunch of Hypocrates, nothing else...
Kiss on not Kiss, This is the legitimate right of the persons, who are kissing each other. Those who have problem with that are welcome to close their eyes or leave the place. Kissing is not obscene, its not nudity.Today these people are raising the issue of kissing in public, tommorow they will raise objection against holding hands in public, and next against talking in public, comeon give me a break, we are not Talibans. All those opposing kissing are people with double standreds, they will criticize the taliban but will advocate talibans law in india. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, CLOSE YOUR EYES DEAR
hi readers i think no one can stop such things .. ok public place only police can control and its not possible to police to watch only how many are kissing ha ha ..and about those who do such things they should be strong enogh to behave in public place do u think will they ??? such open minded youth no one can stop ..either take some moral devlopment class for youth but problem is that who will take such class .... all the best to all kissers
After reading everybody's comments its pretty clear that we are evenly divided in our opinions. But even if many of us do not support kissing in public, we have to understand that telling people how they should behave is unconstitutional. You may not like it but if people want to kiss, they have the right to and you can't take it away from them. Look around it isn' that bad, people don't brazenly make out in public anyway.
Once you tell young people what they should not do, they will make special efforts to do just that.