There is no point in having such a rule in a democratic society specially in 21st century time frame. Kissing is just a way of showing affection. I guess police have much better things to do than to worry about such petty issues.
All stupid n bogus...If the polices or the government are there to decide what to do n when to do n how to do n how long to do.Or else we shud change the status of our country from Democratic to Bureaucratic or Talibani...Huh
There are 1000 better things to do, in this crime-filled, corruption-filled country for Police.
As always, Police always leave all the big, more important things and concentrate on silliest things.
There's no worser fools than these idiotic policemen standing in every street just to watch who is hugging, who is kissing than to see who is killing, raping, stealing or cheating..
For heaven's sake, please do something useful, you jobless junks !!!
Culture is something which cannot be forced/thrusted on. Policing will not help in this case. My point is policing should be done for people who can be policed and whom we are worried about- pillars of future. children and teenagers. Have a restriction on the age for the same. We preserve and teach our culture to the children while we allow the freedom to grownups upon whom we can not enforce culture.
Morever we should be very conscious of the change in attitude of generation. No one should restrict change untll it affects the others directly. Changes should be allowed and restricting the change will allow devolopment of culture. regards, deardeepan
Vulgarity is on rise in delhi, mostly in public parks, malls,zoo,which is evident from daily news.This is certainly a good step to curb such instances and happenings. But it remains to be seen , whether this will be converted into actions by the concerned authorities.If incidents are reported of such kind, what will be the qualifying criteria for treating the accused/s as guilty of violating the law.Such amendments are very often talked about, but when it comes for imlpementation, the rules are flaunted by the authorities themselves, finally they fell and bites dust in this city.