Its not wrong at all for couples to kiss in public, or do anything more in public - its a matter of personal behaviour and it should not be ruled by laws.
We should be proud of our culture. Seeing western countries we should not leave our traditions. In our country We are having the most freedom for the people in comparison with other countries. We should have some restrictions in life or else there will not be any difference between human and animal. I totally oppose kissing in pubic and also re-opening of Dance bars. I would say Dance bars are a sort of insult to females.
Note: Kissing in public, reopening of Dance bars and exposure in films does not mean that our life style is getting improved.
The moral police is right. We do not have to follow the west and start kissing in public, we have been following the west in every other way but there should be a line. In fact the Bollywood movies portraying open sex and kisses should be denounced as well. Developing country doesn't necessarily mean loosing culture, already most of the urban women dont know how to wear saris or men how to wear dhotis, urban women don't know how to cook, which they think is being up to date, according to the west, most of them do not have a clue what is respected about India in the west in the first place.
The west respects our original and ancient culture which DOES NOT involve inept men/women, who indulge themselves in mad clubbing, binge drinking and other immoralities. Lets just be proud to be Indian, not letting ourselves kiss evverywhere, lets be proud to be developed and different. The line should be there...
Why do the Self-styled moral policemen enforce their weird interpretations of our culture?
Our elected representatives might duck debates on policy matters like the financial bill (petty things, you know!), but never do they shirk from their divine ethical and moral responsibilities like deciding which Gods we ought to worship, what books we should read and which movies we should not watch! Did somebody say that the business of the government should be limited to ensuring the fundamental rights to all its people and administering the crucial public resources? Bull shit! It is in fact everything except just these two theyll tell you!
India's "moral brigade" has gone too far with the policy re kissing in public. By banning such activities, the Indian moral brigade are in fact perpetuating an increase in public wanting to kiss in public places. Lessons from history and also psychology clearly indicate that if one bans an activity or particular behaviour, then the opposite happens: leading to a greater increase in fact. Furthermore what is wrong with couples kissing? If the moral brigade want to instill messages of morality to the Indian public then start with changing lecherous attitudes of the Indian male politicians. Furthermore increase public awareness of issues such as HIV & AIDs, Sexually transmitted diseases as well general public health issues and stop the archaic moral rantings concerning kissing in the public. Au Reviour and Kisses to all fellow readers. XXXXXXXXXX
Kissing is a way of expressing one's love.The level of indescency lies in the eyes of the beholders and their attitude.Hence their attitude and their mind have to adapt to these and it's absurd to have the fine that too in our capital city which is supposed to be the quintessential morale of the nation