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Bad in public
by anup on Apr 22, 2006 12:11 PM  Permalink 

its however not good for couples to do such an act in public places like parks as many people come with their families and it could be embarrising for parents infront of their children,if you want to do such things its better to do it behind closed doors

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ban on kissing in public
by kaushik on Apr 22, 2006 11:57 AM  Permalink 

we are stopping everyone from doing what they want in a democratic country. .
No doubt we not having sex ,lying in the middle of the roads..just kissing in garden etc..
We are not kissing police anyways. why the hell they shd peep in anyones personal life???

Tomorrow they will ban holding hands...then walking together,,,then they will force burkha..and finally we will end up being in TALIBAN REGIME...

Let the dance bars be open ...good people will never go there anyways...bad people who have black money only spend a lot..
A wise man can go only once or twice to see woman dancing,then he will stop going there, realising waste of money and time.

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Police don't have any work ...........
by Manoj on Apr 22, 2006 11:56 AM  Permalink 

If Police realy dedicated to serve public, then they should be busy to solve public issues not to interfare in such small matters like kissing etc etc .

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As above
by Dr. B.L. Attri on Apr 22, 2006 11:20 AM  Permalink 

Such acts are unlawful at public places. Others also want to do the same which in turn is spoiling our rich culture. If u love someone it is not shown by kissing. It should be banned in public places as our next generation is being affected by this a lot. Just by making laws is not sufficient but it should be enforced also.

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''kiss kiss ko kiss karoon''
by malvinderm on Apr 22, 2006 11:14 AM  Permalink 

oh for heavens sake people rether young people are quite aware and prudent enough to know not have wet slobbering kisses in public harmless pecks of affection should be fine as long as it doesnt materialises into something deeper in from of 'aam-junta'whatever exciting you have to do do it in privacy wherever you may find it a closet could well too as long as it is private, for ones private soirees.malvinder.

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by bharat pandya. on Apr 22, 2006 10:06 AM  Permalink 

what is to be decided is what is decent and what is indecent.Much water has passed in ganga since 1936.
The perceptopn of what is good or bad has changed.You see man and women hugging each other freely. So this punishment of Rs.500/- only reflects orthodox minds.at the same time payment of Rs.500/- does not give a man ( or a woman) fredom to kiss any one he likes.

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kiss or not kiss
by Arpan on Apr 22, 2006 09:34 AM  Permalink 

The next step of this 'moral policing'will be prohibition of sex.

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Who Wrote The Kamasutra?
by Prasant on Apr 22, 2006 08:53 AM  Permalink 

A Ban on Kissing?
Well, I would sure like to kiss in public. For 50 bucks, it isnt that bad a deal. 500 is a bit too steep though, so I will try to kiss more people, to even it out.
And as for the moral police, and people who are shooting off A-Grade bull, I would like to ask them, what Indian culture they are talking about?
Isnt the Kama Sutra part of Indian culture? Arent the caves at Ellora and Ajanta part of India? What about Khajuraho? Or are these all planted by Western Intelligence agencies to corrupt Indian culture?

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kissing in public
by Jack on Apr 22, 2006 08:44 AM  Permalink 

We should not leave our Indian culture

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