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to kiss or not to kiss
by subramanian on Apr 22, 2006 01:10 PM  Permalink 

there is no harm in kissing. it is after all between a girl/boy or man/woman relation. others have nothing to say on this..In fact, kissing is normal and there is nothing bad about it...

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Think of a situation
by ASHOK on Apr 22, 2006 12:58 PM  Permalink 

A situation once I came thru was a boy and a girl of age about 6-7 years kissing in the same way we can see on many of the TV channels and manytimes roadsides.

The effects of these situations is horrible, if one seriousely thinks about.

Our elders were not orthodox. They thought scientifically before linking SEX with CULTURE. And prohibited such exposing acts at public place.

The action taken so far are appreciable. But above all and before all a strict action should be taken against the TV channels and other medias, who offer free vulgarity to public. SHOULD BE STRICTLY BANNED.

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moral policing or just publicity
by Sanju on Apr 22, 2006 12:57 PM  Permalink 

I think that these kinds of stuff are totally publicity stunt and they don't have any concern over our society. If they are serious first they have to change the modern mentality of the people and imposed old Indian culture strictly.

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kissing in public
by Satya on Apr 22, 2006 12:56 PM  Permalink 

wats wrong wid the govt?? cant they mind their own business, if any?? i think its perfectly fine to kiss in public!

happy kissing


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Kiss or not to Kiss
by Rekha on Apr 22, 2006 12:39 PM  Permalink 

We live in a independent nation and if we take cultural and religious prespective I doubt if kissing is forbidden.Aur yaar aur bhi kaam hain police wolaon ke karney ke liye I think they have to take care of all other issues related to society..........beside this. Running after catching love birds is just wasting Indian money by providing huge remuneration to police departments.

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to kiss or not to kiss
by pavithra on Apr 22, 2006 12:39 PM  Permalink 

This world is fast developing.The world has undergone rapid and drastic changes in the last few years.Considering the pace at which this world is progressing,I dont think there is anything wrong in kissing in public..afterall kissing is just another way to express your love....it happens everywhere...then why must we even bother?Imposing such stringent measures is not going to deter couples from kissing.They are going to do it..no matter waht.
So such measures are unnecessary and it is not going to help in any way.

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Its Stupidity!!
by Vinod Srivastava on Apr 22, 2006 12:27 PM  Permalink 

Don't even try to becone India as Taliban. Why couples will shy in expressing their expressions?

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