coz tihs is the first step towards early sexual relationship it is really difficult for us human beings to resist if we are kissing our luvs.It can be proved very easily u just ask the one who has gone thru early sex he or shall will tell u that the start was from the kiss.
More over our country is culturely rich we should not erase the things for which we are known in the world.we shd. not copy western culture blindly.Western culture is rich in other good things also like science n tech, helping , caring for the society.We shd copy/learn such thing from them instead of nudity, vulgarity, loudness in music.
i think we should not forget our culture and instead of copying western culture we shd spread our own culture.
It is a very good rule offered by the Indian Law.It may be safed our new generation to do the illigal offence.But there is a big question mark of duties of our police becoz they are use to allow these love birds to do so and they take different types of benifit I ask what short of rules are going to introduce against these corrupted police? Untill unless we change the rulling system we can not stop such activities.So do the necessaries at your earliest whatever you feel better.
It is baffling to understand why we pick up issues so redundant while even our Prime minister is concerned about increasing number of corrupted govt. officials in the adminstrative system. Who defines public nuisance? Much much bigger acts of nuisance are committed by so called honchos of our society behind the public eye and publicly they talk about our tradition, culture etc. etc. It is really funny.
It has been our tendency to live on borrowed thoughts and disown our own culture and tradition. If people welcome kiss in open space,which if allowed will give room further to demand sexual act in public. What is the harm? That is the way we are following West blindly. Ironically the West is now tired all this gimmick and they are now turning to our country for Yoga, Meditation and Peace. If you love your girl friend or wife or any grown up girl for that matter, why resort to free benefit show in open?
this is totally rubbish and fool on those who doing this type of activeties in public place. delhi police will charge 500Rs and send to jail.this is my opinion from side.
The only ppl raising their voices for fines are the ones who don't have anyone to kiss. its a case of the dog in the manger....."i can't do it, then i sure as well won't let u do it." Seriously grow up!!!