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Team selection
by brajeshwar nath on May 30, 2008 03:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Selectors have shown same whims this time.They should have taken the outstanding players from IPL.Why take Uthappa?He disappointed in IPL.Raina is again good only for tests.he cant accelerate or find gaps or hit /improvise big shots when needed.What about Amit Mishra,Gony et al.

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RE:Team selection
by Hari on May 30, 2008 03:56 PM  Permalink
yes really mishara was unlucky becoz chawla is there. but gony should have been selected.

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No no
by Hemant on May 30, 2008 03:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is utter nonsence we need to bring up backward class so at least 5 players from sc st and obc

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RE:No no
by Preethi Bangalore on May 30, 2008 03:49 PM  Permalink
dhobi is a st

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RE:RE:No no
by My Outlook and views on May 30, 2008 03:51 PM  Permalink
correction - out of the Indian team

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New ODI Squad
by Reporter on May 30, 2008 03:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now Ganguly & Dravid should announce retirement. They will never be taken back in ODI team. As time moves onwards, new faces will be given chance.

Bye Ganguly & Dravid

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RE:New ODI Squad
by Neel on May 30, 2008 03:52 PM  Permalink
shut up reporter

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RE:New ODI Squad
by Hari on May 30, 2008 03:52 PM  Permalink
and also bye bye sachin.

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RE:RE:New ODI Squad
by mithun chaudhary on May 30, 2008 04:45 PM  Permalink
what about tendulkar, probably he is 16, going on 17, is it? mr. reporter

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kota system affects some good players
by mahesh mulik on May 30, 2008 03:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

just because of regional quota system, some good players are affected. like shikhar dhavan.

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RE:kota system affects some good players
by Hemant on May 30, 2008 03:49 PM  Permalink
why region quota where is seat for sc st and obc

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by Hemant on May 30, 2008 03:45 PM  Permalink 

no reservation no match

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Shame...RP Singh, I Pathan, Yushuf Pathan, Uthappa selected on what BASIS ?
by scorpio on May 30, 2008 03:45 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

RP Singh is the most useless and expensive bowler in world after Zaheer Khan and Nehra.

Pathan has no line & length in bowling.....he is no longer commited to team and play for money....bloody fool laughs when team is losing or when hit for 4s/6s.

It is SHAME that such Bowlers are retained....Agar Matka lag gya toh yeh perform kar jayengee Vs Bagladesh......aur team mein CANCER ke ratah chipke rahenge.


Also Yushuf pathan, Robin Uthappa never performed in IPL on what basis are they been selected in TEAM

Also RAINA has made the come back because he was in Chennai(Dhobi) team in IPL.....Although Raina deserves his place......Other yougsters like Karthik other have performed well but DHOBI captain his keeping wicket keeper batsmens away to secure his place.

Also Praveen Kumar who was Vital in India WIN in Ausralia....hasnt been included is this justified..?

Also why DRAVID is been droped....he is still the best.....his team failed in IPL due to poor talent and useless bolwers like ZAHEER.

BUT our FOOLISH FANs will never realise the this......they only deserve DHOBI captain.....who is FAKE and big ZERO.

Look at Rajastan team(Shane Warne) in IPL.....if you have a good stategy making CAPTAIN, even a ordinary team can do WELL WONDERS......
.........If you have worst bowling then even the best Batting cant help team....BEST latest Example is IPLs Hyderabad team which had good bating lineup like Gi

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RE:Shame...RP Singh, I Pathan, Yushuf Pathan, Uthappa selected on what BASIS ?
by rip gavin on May 30, 2008 03:52 PM  Permalink
are u on drugs?????????????

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RE:Shame...RP Singh, I Pathan, Yushuf Pathan, Uthappa selected on what BASIS ?
by Hari on May 30, 2008 03:55 PM  Permalink
yes out team lacks in bowling.
why was gony not picked ??

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by Hemant on May 30, 2008 03:44 PM  Permalink 

there should be reservations in selection committee also at least three members from backward class, then 49 % in team ,

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by Hemant on May 30, 2008 03:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is all politics I want at least 5 players from backward class ,

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by Shane on May 30, 2008 03:47 PM  Permalink
At least two GUJJAR and one JAAT

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by Hemant on May 30, 2008 03:48 PM  Permalink
Yes and balance can be woman reservation quota

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by CANDY BATIA on May 30, 2008 03:39 PM  Permalink 

they should have opted for shikhar dhawan,amit mishra,etc..

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No No
by Hemant on May 30, 2008 03:38 PM  Permalink 

reservations please , i will stop all matches unless 49% reservations are given in team

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